Growers looking to add more color to their spring lineup will appreciate this new Salvia for its early bloom time, a good 10-14 days earlier than 'May Night'. Its prolific, deep violet blue flower spikes help it stand out on retail benches and in landscapes. Cut it back after flowering and watch it reflush easily multiple times per season. Breeder: Darwin Perennials.
Totally unlike other Salvias, this species is a shade-loving woodland groundcover that blooms in the fall with pale yellow, two-lipped flowers which bees enjoy. Its fuzzy, toothed, arrow-shaped leaves form an attractive groundcover under trees in rich, moist soil and spread slowly by creeping stems or seed.
Notably closer to true blue than most salvias, this selection bears blue flower spikes early in the season and reblooms quickly and reliably if cut back. Pollinators are drawn to the flowers like a magnet. Recommend this plant to anyone looking for low maintenance, colorful, hardy perennials that the deer won't eat.
Improving on older dwarf salvias, this award-winning selection boasts broad flower spikes and consistent rebloom all season when deadheaded. Aromatic, green foliage lines the square stems topped with deep violet blue flowers held by burgundy calyces. An excellent plant for attracting pollinators. Introduced by: Ball Horticultural Co.
This popular selection is prized for its tall, indigo purple flower spikes which are held on dramatic deep purple stems. We've watched this variety out-bloom every other spring blooming salvia we sell and proudly proclaim it to be an "oldy but goody". Highly recommended! Introduced by: Zillmer Pflanzen of Germany.
An ideal plant for spring sales. This compact selection bears violet purple flowers that are sterile, helping it remain in bloom for many weeks; also responds well to shearing to promote rebloom. Pollinators adore its blossoms, but four-legged pests tend to stay away from its aromatic, gray-green foliage.
Our #1 selling Salvia. This classic, award-winning perennial bears vibrant violet purple flower spikes which appear just in time for spring sales. It forms a sturdy clump of aromatic, gray-green foliage that is rarely bothered by deer; pollinators adore its plentiful blooms. Responds well to shearing to promote rebloom.
Building on the popularity of the dwarf ÔBlue MarvelÕ, this new addition bears short, plump spikes of vibrant rose pink flowers held by darker rose purple calyxes. Its forms a refined, compact mound topped with large blossoms on neatly proportional stems in late spring, reblooming all season without being cut back. Introduced by: Ball Horticultural Co.
This more relaxed, upright selection produces an exceptional number of dense spikes of vibrant reddish violet flowers with burgundy calyxes on dark stems beginning early in the season. Responds well to shearing to promote rebloom quickly and reliably. Pollinators adore its plentiful blooms.