Named for its early bloom time, you'll have this Nepeta in bloom in plenty of time for spring sales. Its dwarf habit is an added bonus, maintaining a neat appearance in containers and as edging along sunny pathways. Lavender blue flowers appear above the grey-green foliage, providing an early food source for pollinators.
6" tall spikes bearing bright blue flowers make this selection an excellent choice for cutting gardens and flower borders. When cut back after its first round of bloom, it reblooms reliably until frost. Grey-green foliage remains relatively short and won't grow out of bounds like some catmints.
This low maintenance, tidy selection forms a naturally compact, rounded mound of aromatic, green foliage topped with periwinkle blue flowers. Growers have been impressed with its vigor and uniformity in production. Picture perfect presentation in container means quick turns at retail. Breeder: Walters Gardens
This award winning, top-selling perennial is quoted often in landscape jobs as it is an excellent choice for mass plantings. Much larger than our other two selections, this variety forms a wide mass of gray-green, aromatic foliage topped with lavender purple flowers in late spring, reblooming reliably when cut back.
This popular cultivar features an upright, well-branched habit and free-flowering tendency, blooming better through the heat of summer than most. Bred to be more weather resistant, remaining standing after summer storms. Fairly large, deep lavender flowers are clustered on dense spikes for a showy floral display. Introduced by: Plants Nouveau.
This unique Nepeta looks more like a Veronica in habit, bearing large, upright, deep violet-blue flower spikes above the compact foliage. Broad, green leaves form a bushy clump that doesn't open up. This species is thought to have fewer bacterial issues and is less attractive to mites. Reblooms if deadheaded. Introduced by: Concept Plants.
Similar to 'Neptune' in habit, this taller variety bears larger, lighter blue flowers earlier in the season. It fills out a container nicely and makes a colorful, low maintenance filler paired with other heat tolerant perennials in the landscape. Its violet blue flowers are highly attractive to pollinators. Breeder: Darwin Perennials.