Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Ribbons’ PP34928
Phlox-Woodland, Wild Sweet William
Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Ribbons’ PP34928
Phlox-Woodland, Wild Sweet WilliamThis eye-catching selection of our heat and humidity tolerant, native woodland phlox forms a slowly spreading mass of creamy yellow and green variegated, semi-evergreen foliage that takes on pink tones in winter. Clusters of fragrant, soft violet blue flowers bloom in peak season for retail. Discovered by Tony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery.
Plant Details
- Zone: 4 - 8
- Height: 6"
- Spread: 24"
- Exposure: Part Shade
- Soil Moisture: Moderate Water Needs
- Drought tolerant: No
- Bloom time: Late Spring, Mid-Spring
- Foliage Color: Variegated
- Flower Color: Blue Shades, Violet Shades
- Fragrant: Yes
- Good Cut Flower: Yes
- Native: Nativar
- Deer resistant: No
- Rabbit resistant: No
- Bee-friendly: Yes
- Attracts butterflies: Yes
- Attracts hummingbirds: Yes
- Groundcover: Yes
- Roy Diblik Favorite: No
Plant Details
- Zone: 4 - 8
- Height: 6"
- Spread: 24"
- Exposure: Part Shade
- Soil Moisture: Moderate Water Needs
- Drought tolerant: No
- Bloom time: Late Spring, Mid-Spring
- Foliage Color: Variegated
- Flower Color: Blue Shades, Violet Shades
- Fragrant: Yes
- Good Cut Flower: Yes
- Native: Nativar
- Bee-friendly: Yes
- Deer resistant: No
- Rabbit resistant: No
- Attracts butterflies: Yes
- Attracts hummingbirds: Yes
- Groundcover: Yes
- Roy Diblik Favorite: No
Grower Information
- Take care not to plant too deeply
- Best in 1-gal containers
- Moist, well-drained soil with a 6-6.5 pH
- Pinch plants prior to or shortly after planting
- Follow an average watering regime
- PGR rates to achieve sufficient control are higher on Phlox; begin applications early in the crop cycle
Pot in late summer for highest quality finished plants the following spring. Since the foliage is somewhat evergreen, growing in a cold frame under white poly is better than growing under clear cover. Hold plants cool in winter to avoid premature flowering.
- PowerPlug Size(s): 32s
- Optimal Planting Time: Late Summer-Fall
- Retail Sales Window: Spring
- Moisture in Production: Average
- Requires Shade in Production: Yes
- Vernalization Required for Bloom: Yes
- Vernalization Beneficial: No