From the breeder of 'Husker Red', who improved on his own work. One of the best dark-leafed Penstemons available. Sturdy stems lined with deep purple leaves are topped with pink flowers which attract pollinators. Keeps its color even in high heat and drought conditions. Breeder: Dale Lindgren
Dramatic contrast between deep purple-black foliage and white flowers with a hint of lavender at the base are the hallmark of this eye-catching nativar. Strong, burgundy stems hold the flowers upright for an attractive presentation in containers and in the landscape. Excellent heat and cold tolerance. Breeder: Walters Gardens.
A pretty addition for the wildflower garden, this nativar forms a sturdy, upright clump of deep green leaves that are flushed with bronze red in cooler spring and fall months. Dark stems carry the white flowers, occasionally flushed with light pink, in summer. Breeder: Dale Lindgren
This selection emerges in spring with showy burgundy red foliage that takes on deep green tones during the warmest summer months. Strong, dark red stems carry showy panicles of lavender pink flowers which attract pollinators for many weeks. Introduced by: Intrinsic Perennial Gardens