
One of the oldest and still most popular varieties. A staple item for herb gardens and perennial borders. The compact clump of fragrant, downy gray leaves is topped with lavender blue flowers which attract pollinators over a long period. Merchandise it in your edible department and with other drought tolerant plants.

The shortest, most compact selection we offer. Deep violet blue flower spikes are produced densely for greater color impact above a mound of mid-green, sweetly aromatic foliage. This is a free-flowering, heat and humidity tolerant cultivar that has shown excellent winter hardiness in the breederÕs trials. Introduced by: Darwin Perennials.

Grown for its highly aromatic foliage and flowers as well as its excellent vigor and sturdy habit. Dark lavender purple flowers appear above the grey-green, evergreen foliage on long stems that are excellent for cutting. Often used in bouquets, potpourri and scented bath products. A very popular selection.

This popular selection has shown exceptional winter survival with little to no dieback due to its disease resistance and strong vigor. Excellent performer in production and landscapes. Forms a massive, rounded mound of silvery green foliage topped with highly fragrant, lavender blue flowers. Introduced by: Peace Tree Farm