Appearing a bit like a dwarf 'Karl Foerster', this shorter hybrid forms a dense mound of green foliage that is topped with a profusion of golden brown inflorescences later in the season. It is best planted en masse as an underplanting to taller trees or in sweeps across the landscape as a low maintenance groundcover.
Unlike the famed 'Karl Foerster', this species has notable differences: it is a warm season grass, blooms in late summer, prefers moist soil, and is one of few tall grasses that is shade tolerant. Showy plumes emerge pinkish tan, transition to green and mature to tan. Tolerates heavy soils; beautiful alongside water features.
Revered around the world as one of the showiest, easiest grasses to grow; people ask for it by name. Green foliage forms a narrow, upright clump topped with numerous inflorescences early in the season that age to wheat-like seed heads in fall. This cool season grass makes a fantastic hedge or screen.